CHM - Christian Harvest Missions
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

About CHM

Reverend Bill and Erika
Reverend Bill (far right) and Erika (left)
while doing missionary work in India

CHM (Christian Harvest Missions) was founded by Reverend Bill, his wife Erika and daughter Ingrid in response to a growing need for community awareness of what Christ meant by “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me”. The love of God has somehow become perceived as a debased coinage in this age of quick cures, cults, easy lies and smorgasbord of religious choice. And it is a bizarre reality that the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ has become unfamiliar to many - often through an unthinking and automatic cultural denial.

In a move, therefore, to communicate God's love in an immediate and true way to all people, Christian Harvest Missions was formed.

Reverend Bill and Erika in Tamil Nadu
Reverend Bill and Erika in Tamil Nadu

Reverend Bill is a minister ordained in the protestant church but of Catholic background; his view of the Christian faith is that there are no denominations in the Lord, only the following of God. He is an associate minister of Good News Mission (Tamil Nadu, India), and a member of ACM (Associated Christian Ministries), was affiliated with ACMI (Associated Christian Ministers International), a graduate of L.C.M. Bible College, as well as president and founder of C.H.M.

Please note Christian Harvest Missions is not a donation source for other ministries. C.H.M. receives no funding from the government, is not financially supported by any legislative or religious body, is self-funded and does important ministry work primarily within Australia. Your donations to help support C.H.M. would be gratefully accepted.


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